Monday, 8 January 2018

Book Review: The Time of My Life

Title: The Time of my Life

Author: Cecelia Ahern

Cecelia Ahern always seems to amuse me by the content n concept of her books. She does not go the usual way and does not follow a pattern.

The Time of my Life is a kind of love story but the girl here is in love with her own life. It does sound weird but it is not. The story is about a girl who is living her life just for the sake of it without any ambition or appetite. Her boyfriend left her, she lost her job and now works somewhere just to pay bills, she stays in a small room for a house and she does not like her family. She has told lies over lies just to cover up previous lies. And, she is content.

That is where she is wrong. She is approached by her Life and Life turns it around for her. She sees what is right and what is not. Life is a kind of agency wherein some person is assigned to you so as to make sure you don't waver from yourself. I Wish something like this really existed.

Overall, a good read..

About the Author: 

Cecelia Ahern is an Irish novelist from Dublin. She published her first novel 'PS I Love You' at a young age of 23. Till date, she has published about 16 novels two of which have been adapted as movies.