Book Review: The Hunt for Atlantis
Title: The Hunt for Atlantis (Nina Wilde & Eddie Chase #1)
Author: Andy McDermott
I took to reading this book only because its title kept tugging at me. I like to read books filled with adventure and mystery. Atlantis is the perfect combination of mystery and adventure. But this book is less about the real submerged Atlantis.
The Hunt for Atlantis is literally hunt for Atlantis by archaeologist Nina Wilde and other expeditions which follow after you know about Atlantis. This book keeps you engrossed and you want to turn the pages faster. The book takes various places in search for Atlantis and its other legends. But, each time, the fate is against Nina and the end is kind of catastrophic. There are other sources who are opposed to the finding of Atlantis for reasons unknown at the beginning. But as the story unfolds, Nina realizes that she is on the wrong side but eventually along with her bodyguard Eddie Chase she sets everything right and prevents a worldwide threat.
The book travels through various historical places and leaves the readers in awe of what is presented before them. The twists in the book are not easy to guess and leave you wondering as you never saw it coming.
About the Author:
Andy McDermott is a British thriller author, former magazine writer, journalist & a film critic. Under Nina Wilde & Eddie Chase series he has written about 13 books.