Book Review: The Tomb of Hercules
Title: The Tomb of Hercules (Nina Wilde & Eddie Chase #2)
Author: Andy McDermott
This is the second book in the Nina Wilde & Eddie Chase series. As for the first book as well as second book, the title is not at all apt. the book describes the tomb of Hercules in about 30 pages and rest of the book revolves around a different plot.
The book is interesting, no doubt but very disappointing for people like my husband who buy the book in the hope of reading about the tomb of Hercules. The book starts with a fight between Nina and her bodyguard turned boyfriend Eddie. Just to go against Nina, Eddie goes to help his ex-wife Sophia and gets entangled in a series of unnecessary events. He jeopardizes his and Nina's life to rescue Sophia. But eventually realizes that Sophia had been playing with him all along. At the end, as is Eddie's habit, he fights all odds and saves the world and his relationship with Nina.
The author has described some of the plots in minutest details which makes the book all the more interesting. Overall it's a good read if you read without any anticipation of a breakthrough about the tomb of Hercules and historical details.
About the Author:
Andy McDermott is a British thriller author, former magazine writer, journalist & a film critic. Under Nina Wilde & Eddie Chase series he has written about 13 books and this is second book in the series.