Wednesday 7 June 2017

Book Review: The Cuckoo's Calling

Title: The Cuckoo's Calling, Cormoran Strike #1

Author: J K Rowling under pseudonym Robert Galbraith 


This book is a complete package. It's rare that you get hold on to a book like this. You just don't want to keep it down. The book is quite big but you don't feel you have read so much. Its been 2 days since I finished the book but it's still there at the back of mind. Hats off to Robert Galbraith aka JK Rowling. You are superb. I had no option but to rate the book at 5. It's absolutely perfect.

Now about the book, it's a beautifully narrated crime fiction. The plot is very complex yet very simple. The major character is detective Cormoran Strike who gets to the bottom of the situation which was accepted by public and police to be a suicide but turned out to be a well planned murder. The author gave us no clue whatsoever till the end of book who the killer is or whether there is really a killer.

The story is intertwined and there are many things occurring at the same time which makes it difficult for police to reach the killer and decipher the murder to be suicide. But, the detective looks at all the loopholes and finally gets to the real culprit. In his search, he is helped by his new secretary Robin who happens to be a temporary but at the end of book and to delight of readers, takes it up on permanent basis. The book has several characters but the detective & his secretary dominate the overall story. Although a crime fiction, the book is extremely light-hearted and devoid of any gory scenes.

A must read for the pure joy of reading...

About the Author: 

What's there to say about the author. Her name says it all. It's JK Rowling, the author of our most loved book series of childhood as well as adulthood, Harry Potter. She writes crime fiction under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. She has released two book under the series of Cormoran Strike, The Cuckoo's Calling and The Silkworm.

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